Ancient but Earthquake-proof by Lynne Bevan
School Journal Part 3 Number 2 2001
WALT: Use information from the text to show understanding.
Success Criteria: Locate pieces of text that help me to explain meaning.
List the materials used in building the Parthenon.
Explain in your own words the feature /benefits of using the different types of materials?
Feature/Benefit of using this material
very hard, long lasting, built in segments so that can be stable during movement.
a stone that is pliable, easy to bend. (like play-doh)
a metal, used as joints.
a soft metal, around the iron, absorbs movement like an earthquake.
APPLICATION — Using what you have read in the article CREATE
5. Draw a diagram showing the clever construction techniques used in building the Parthenon.
EVALUATION — Seeing both sides
8. “Ancient building methods were much better than the methods used today“
List your reasons for agreeing with and disagreeing with this statement by using information from the text.
I agree because…
I disagree because…
Making judgments about information. Give a brief reason for your judgement.
Was there a hook in the introduction? Yes
Hook: Rate 1-10
Was the information organised clearly?yes
Organisation: Rate 1-10
Was there an effective conclusion? yes
Wrap up: Rate 1-10